7 Tips for Finding the Best Coolsculpting Provider

Welcome to Element Body Lab, the top-rated CoolSculpting practice serving the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. At Element Body Lab, we specialize in CoolSculpting, offering advanced treatments with a commitment to delivering exceptional results and client satisfaction.

This week on the blog, we’re discussing our top tips for Finding the Best CoolSculpting Specialists, just in case you’re looking for a practice and aren’t local to Dallas, TX or willing to travel. Not local to DFW and not willing to travel? Scroll to the bottom of the blog for the CoolSculpting Find A Provider Tool online!

Why Provider Selection Matters

Choosing the right CoolSculpting providers is crucial for achieving optimal results. Understanding how CoolSculpting works and the nuances of treatment delivery can significantly impact your outcomes.

That’s because CoolSculpting is a tool, much like scissors to a hairdresser. While all hairdressers use scissors, not all haircuts are good! Just like a bad haircut, there are facilities offering CoolSculpting who cannot deliver good outcomes. 

Alternatively, there are facilities like Element Body Lab, with high levels of customer satisfaction and high levels of training. We’re committed to excellence here, and our team is the highest trained team in Texas.

Best CoolSculpting Providers in Dallas

Applicator Placement and Selection: Bigger Does Not Mean Better in the World of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting targets and freezes stubborn fat cells, facilitating their natural elimination from the body over time. Crucial to achieving optimal results is the precise placement of applicators during treatment, which is decided by the provider during treatment and takes years of training and experience to master.

The true measure of CoolSculpting success lies in results. Results come directly from the expertise and commitment of the provider. It’s the provider’s skill in selecting the right applicator size and strategically placing it during treatment that significantly impacts the effectiveness of the procedure.

For example, the below client’s treatment plan was custom tailored to her unique anatomy and goals, softening her hourglass but not taking away her curves.

Applicator placement does take technique! The decisions made during treatment mapping directly influence how effectively the cooling panels engage with the targeted areas, ultimately defining the technique employed and the outcomes achieved for each client.

But knowing this doesn’t help you look for the best CoolSculpting providers near you. So that’s why we’ve come up with a list of 7 tips (or questions) to ask during a consultation to find the best CoolSculpting providers or when looking online to find the best CoolSculpting near you.

7 Tips for Finding the Best CoolSculpting Providers

1. Do they offer the most up to date technology? CoolSculpting Elite and CoolTone

Make sure your provider utilizes the latest CoolSculpting technology, known as CoolSculpting Elite, to maximize results and comfort during your treatment sessions. The CoolSculpting Elite features redesigned applicators with wider cooling cups compared to older versions of the technology. This enhancement allows for treatment of up to 30% more tissue per session, thanks to improved contact with the cooling panels.

tip for finding the best coolsculpting provider - invest in CoolSculpting Elite treatments

2. Do they offer a results guarantee? What happens if CoolSculpting doesn’t work for you?

While we’d love to believe that CoolSculpting was a magic wand, producing a 100% success rate, that’s not the case. In rare instances, clients don’t respond to the treatment or are considered “low-responders” producing minimal outcomes. Most commonly, this is a perceived belief due to undertreatment, but at Element Body Lab, we stand behind our work and offer a Noticeable Results Guarantee. Learn more about our guarantee offered exclusively to clients treated at our facility here.

When searching for the best CoolSculpting Specialist, look for providers who offer a results guarantee backed by real patient outcomes and before-and-after photos.

best coolsculpting providers results

best coolsculpting providers results male client

3. Do they use their own before and after photos? 

Always ask if the clinic showcases their own work, not just stock photos, to demonstrate their expertise and the effectiveness of their treatments. While stock photos prove that CoolSculpting works, in-house before and after photos show that the facility knows how to deliver exceptional outcomes.

All of the photos we showcase on our website, social media, or during consultations are of our own work. We do not use any stock photos at all.

best coolsculpting providers results upper arm

4. Is the person performing consultations also a treatment provider? 

Ensure that your consultant is also directly involved in treatments. The insights of a highly trained provider are crucial because they possess an intimate understanding of tissue response to treatment. They can offer specific advice based on their experience treating clients with similar anatomy and goals as yours.

At Element Body Lab, consultations are performed by our CoolSculpting specialists, not sales specialists. We are clinicians first, and prioritize patient outcomes above all. 

tip for finding the best coolsculpting provider - make sure consultation provider is also a treating provider

4. Is the practice and/or the provider CoolSculpting dedicated? Or do they offer many different treatments? 

When choosing CoolSculpting providers, it’s advantageous to opt for one that specializes in CoolSculpting treatments. However, it’s also beneficial if they have knowledge of alternative treatment options. This ensures they can provide unbiased recommendations tailored to your specific goals.

At Element Body Lab, our providers are dedicated to CoolSculpting. We prioritize mastering the techniques and advancements within the CoolSculpting portfolio while also staying informed about alternative treatments from other specialists. This dual approach allows us to offer comprehensive care and ensure our clients receive the best possible outcomes in our area of expertise—CoolSculpting!

5. What recovery advice does the practice give? Is a post-treatment 2-minute massage administered correctly?

Recovering properly after CoolSculpting is essential for achieving optimal results. Ensure your provider includes a post-treatment massage to enhance the effectiveness of CoolSculpting, potentially improving outcomes by up to 68%. It’s also important to consider other recovery advice provided by the practice.

At Element Body Lab, we emphasize comprehensive aftercare. In addition to the post-treatment manual massage administered according to manufacturer protocols and proven study techniques, we recommend Alastin TransFORM Body Treatment for enhanced results. We prioritize manual massage over alternative devices like Theragun or Z-Wave treatments, as tactile feedback is crucial for personalized care and effectiveness, supported by current research.

Provider holding Alastin TransFORM recovery cream

7. Are Providers Certified? What Level of Training Do They Hold?

It’s crucial to verify the credentials and training of CoolSculpting specialists who will be performing your treatments. At Element Body Lab, our team undergoes rigorous training from the outset. This includes manufacturer certification and participation in CoolSculpting University, a comprehensive 3-day hands-on program that provides specialized training tailored to our practice standards.

Moreover, our founder is recognized as one of the few national trainers by the Allergan Medical Institute Faculty, ensuring our providers receive top-tier education and ongoing professional development. New providers start with certification training and shadowing experienced team members as apprentices. They advance to performing treatments independently only after demonstrating proficiency and undergoing rigorous oversight.

Element Body Lab founder - Jessie Poole - highest trained CoolSculpting provider nationwide

Other Considerations When Finding the Best CoolSculpting Specialists

Utilize resources like the CoolSculpitng Find a Provider tool through coolsculpting.com cautiously, as it may not highlight a provider’s specific skills or specialities adequately. Always read reviews and testimonials to gauge client satisfaction and treatment quality.

How Do I Get the Best Results from CoolSculpting?

Choosing the best provider ensures appropriate treatment mapping and personalized recovery advice tailored to your needs. Book a consultation with our experienced team to discuss your goals and expectations.

Where is CoolSculpting Most Effective?

CoolSculpting is most effective for targeting pliable, subcutaneous fat. Individual responses vary due to factors like medical history and metabolism, underscoring the importance of professional guidance.

Texture of tissue does play into response rate, based on the experiences we’ve had at Element Body Lab. Learn this and much more at a free consultation with our team.

FDA treatment areas for CoolSculpting

How Many Sessions of CoolSculpting Does the Average Person Need?

The number of sessions varies based on individual goals. On average, clients undergo 2-4 sessions per treatment area. The average response rate to CoolSculpting is 20-25% on a bell curve, with some clients responding less, and some responding more. The number of sessions recommended should take into account 1) how aggressive of an outcome are you looking for; 2) what is the texture of the tissue; and 3) based on provider experience, how many sessions will be needed to achieve the outcome. 

A consultation with our experts will provide personalized recommendations.Book a consultation with our team in Dallas, Texas right here.

Bar graph showing it takes 2 and how many sessions average client needs

Is One Session of CoolSculpting Worth It?

The efficacy of one CoolSculpting session depends on your specific goals. Typically, each session achieves an average reduction of 20-25% in treated tissue. To determine the best approach for your needs, we encourage you to book a consultation with our knowledgeable team.

Is There Anything Better Than CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting remains the safest and most proven technology for non-surgical fat reduction. Alternative options like liposuction involve downtime and anesthesia risks. For clients seeking additional benefits such as skin tightening, alternative non-surgical treatments may be considered.

How Do I Get Started with Element Body Lab?

The first step to working with us is to schedule a consultation to meet one on one with our team. Consultations can be done virtually or in person, depending on your preference. During the consultation, our team will discuss the technology and how it works, risks and side effects, what to expect on treatment day and during recovery, your own personal goals and ideal targeted areas, and finally, will put together a detailed recommendation based on your unique anatomy. Get started today. Book a consultation with us online right here.

Ready to get started in Dallas, Texas? The first step is a consultation with us.