CoolTone Results

CoolTone is FDA cleared to strengthen, tone, and firm muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. The before and after photos you’ll see here are all of clients treated at Elemnent Body Lab in Dallas, TX.

CoolTone can amplify your healthy lifestyle ande existing workouts to help you acheive the sculpted, toned muscles you desire. If you’re tired of spending ohurs in the gym and are looking to take your workouts further,it may be worth consider CoolTone. Results are 50% look  and 50% feel – with clients reporting feeling stronger and more controled than before.


CoolTone works by using magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) to contract and strengthen your muscles. The MMS technology is powerful, yet safe and effective, and it has been proven to produce significant results in as few as 6 short treatments. Unlike traditional body sculpting methods, CoolTone is non-surgical and non-invasive, so you can achieve the body you want without any discomfort or recovery time if muscle tone is the thing you desire.


If you’re interested in seeing CoolTone results for yourself,  take a look at some of the amazing before and after photos from our satisfied patients. These photos show the incredible transformations that are possible with CoolTone, and they’re proof that this non-surgical body contouring technology really works.


If you’re ready to take the next step and learn more about CoolTone, the first step is to schedule a consultation. Our team of body contouring experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if CoolTone is right for you. 


The following CoolTone results showcase clients treated at Element Body Lab in Dallas, TX with CoolTone.